Keeping track of your student loans can be a really daunting task, especially if you don't even know how many loans you have, who your lenders or servicers are, or how much student loan debt you have. This spreadsheet will make keeping track of all of that information a breeze!
Once you have downloaded the spreadsheet, it will take you about 20 minutes to fill it out with your student loan information. From there, it'll take you less than five minutes each month to update your student loan account balances after each payment.
In addition to tracking your current balance, this spreadsheet will help you track:
- Who your lenders or servicers are
- Your payoff amount for each loan
- Your student loan interest rates
- Your loan status (in repayment, in deferment, in forbearance, in grace period, delinquent)
- And more!
Use this information to stay on top of your finances, organize your loans to select a repayment strategy, apply for consolidation or student loan refinancing, and anything else that you might need. All of your student loan information in one place: What could be better?